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Posts: 12
Posted 22:48 Feb 14, 2013 |

Hey people,

I've been looking all over for the proper way to deal with changing an Image Source while code is running, and I can't find anything that both makes sense and has the proper header files or namespaces to go with it.  Since VC++ is meant to be used with programs that emphasize looks and design, I see no reason that this functionality isn't built in.  I've checked the VC++ documentation, stack overflow, and the rest of the internet and have come up empty-handed.

In particular, I am trying to change the Source of an Image Object on my xaml page so that it shows another image that I have in my Assets folder.  Both are PNGs, although I imagine that anyone using JPGs or other image formats would appreciate any relevant code since the Source set() function seems to really want bitmaps, but those files are definitely larger.  I imagine someone has figured this out already for their slot machine.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Posts: 38
Posted 08:22 Feb 15, 2013 |

Here is a link to one of the groups in one of our class to their dropbox Just look in the RandomCard folder and look for MainPage.xaml.cpp to see how it is done.

Posts: 12
Posted 10:36 Feb 15, 2013 |

You get a super cookie.

Thank you.

Posts: 29
Posted 20:19 Mar 09, 2013 |


I think you did the presentation in class about your Triangle Calculator?

I was working on a Quadratic Formula Solver app and have been scratching my head for a day about how to validate the input...

i.e. numbers and not letters... remembered your presentation and the "_wtof()" code... that did it!!

float a = _wtof(varAInputBox->Text->Data());

kept stumbling on the validation and the code is so much simpler than using the wstringstream convertor.

Thanks, saved me a big headache.

Posts: 12
Posted 22:47 Mar 09, 2013 |

Glad I could help.

Visual C++ (VC++) really emphasizes using wstring since the conversions form and to String^ are pretty simple once you understand them.  Also wstrings are waaaaaaaay more versatile than normal std::string.  Look into those functions, and, although they can be hard to swallow at first, they do far more things.

A couple notes on wstrings: an 'L' placed just outside the quotes of a string or char will tell the compiler that it is a wstring or wchar_t with which the wstrings are formed.

wstring myWstring = L"Some letters"

wchar_t myWchar = L'a'

Using length to make a for loop to traverse a wstring wont work when comparing it unless you use the signed int modifier like so:

for( int i = 0; i < signed int(yourWstring.length()); i++)

It returns the length as an unsigned int for some reason and the compiler can't make a comparison between signed and unsigned ints.  Also, for anyone else reading this, turning wstrings back into String^ or textBox text looks like:

String^ stringRef = ref new String(yourWstring.c_str())

textBox->text = ref new String(yourWstring.c_str())

and turning textBox input or String^ into a wstring looks like:

wstring yourWstring = textBox->text->Data()

wstring yourWstring = someStringHat->Data()

Last edited by asmiths at 22:54 Mar 09, 2013.