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Posts: 1649
Posted 12:33 Feb 06, 2013 |

Here are two. Both are free.

Introduction to Complex Systems

Offered by: Santa Fe Institute. 

Instructor: Melanie Mitchel, Professor Computer Science, Portland State University.

Prerequisites: None indicated (Students should have completed CS312 & CS386)


Schedule: 11 weeks beginning this week. Register now!

CSULA equivalence: CS454Cplx to be offered Summer 2013

Functional programming

Offered by: Coursera 

Instructor:  Martin Odersky, Professor Computer Science, EPFS, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Prerequisites: A year of Java programming (Students should have completed CS203)


Schedule: 7 weeks beginning March 25. (You have a month and half to think about it)

CSULA equivalence: CS332F to be offered Fall 2013

  • Students should complete the courses on their own. Google Groups will be set up so that CSULA students can interact with each other about the courses. If there is sufficient demand, in-person group meetings will be scheduled. A CS faculty coordinator will participate in the Google Groups and in-person meetings to answer questions and help clarify issues as needed.
  • To get CSULA credit:
    • Complete the online course and receive a certificate of completion.
    • Register for the associated CS course when it is offered.
    • Meet with the instructor for the CS course and demonstrate your knowledge of the course material by explaining your work.
  • CS faculty coordinator: Russ Abbott
Last edited by rabbott at 15:09 Feb 06, 2013.