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Posts: 326
Posted 10:49 Oct 17, 2012 |

CS 454 - 01 MW 950-1130 – KANG – 3D Computer Game Programming

Prerequisite: CS 312.   Introduction to 3D computer game programming.  Topics include 3D game genre and styles; 3D game engines and their components; Scripts; GUI; Models; Textures; Sound and Music; Network.  Hands on Experience and Rapid Development.


CS 454- 02  TR 130-310  - PAMULA – Parallel and Distributed Programming

Prerequisites: CS 203, CS 245. Parallel programming techniques; abstract models of hardware and operating systems to support parallel programs.


CS 594 - 03 – SATURDAYS, 110-5 PM – ABBOTT - Modeling and Simulation

Prerequisite: G1 Standing or permission from the instructor. 

Development and use of various simulation and modeling frameworks including agent-based modeling, system dynamics (stocks and flows) modeling, discrete event simulation, and modeling and simulation of cyber-physical (embedded) systems.