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Posts: 140
Posted 20:38 Oct 02, 2012 |

Dr Sun

Will  One-to-Many also have foreign key columns like Many to one relationships?
Posts: 2935
Posted 20:50 Oct 02, 2012 |

One-to-many is many-to-one. It just depends on which direction you look.

Posts: 140
Posted 21:28 Oct 02, 2012 |

Thank you for the above comment

For Exercise 2:
Dance Studio example the instructors keep a % for the studio does the ER diagram require to show relationship between how much the instructors and studio split on the payments made by the students ?

Posts: 2935
Posted 21:29 Oct 02, 2012 |
talisunep wrote:

Thank you for the above comment

For Exercise 2:
Dance Studio example the instructors keep a % for the studio does the ER diagram require to show relationship between how much the instructors and studio split on the payments made by the students ?

You need to decide that.