reset password
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Posts: 21
Posted 19:59 Sep 28, 2012 |

Getting a RUNTIME ERROR while trying to RUN the project and I did all the steps as mentioned.


2012-09-28 19:46:00,490  WARN JdbcServicesImpl: HHH000342: Could not obtain connection to query metadata : FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres"

Okay so I tried the password which I created while installing the Postgres and also I tried the password "abcd"-> Doesn't work

Do I have to use the password of my student account ?


Last edited by kk-das at 20:25 Sep 28, 2012.
Posts: 18
Posted 01:28 Sep 29, 2012 |

You should try creating a new user that is not the superuser as you should not be using this account anyways...


Here is a setup video if you need help

Last edited by rframe at 01:29 Sep 29, 2012.
Posts: 2935
Posted 20:00 Sep 29, 2012 |
kk-das wrote:

Getting a RUNTIME ERROR while trying to RUN the project and I did all the steps as mentioned.


2012-09-28 19:46:00,490  WARN JdbcServicesImpl: HHH000342: Could not obtain connection to query metadata : FATAL: password authentication failed for user "postgres"

Okay so I tried the password which I created while installing the Postgres and also I tried the password "abcd"-> Doesn't work

Do I have to use the password of my student account ?

It's a password error and there's really nothing more to it. You probably remembered or typed the wrong password for postgres. You can try changing the password as follows:

Logging in as the user postgres using "SQL Shell" (it's under Windows Start Menu -> All Programs -> PostgreSQL 9.1). Once you are logged in, enter the following:

postgres=# alter user postgres with password 'abcd';

postgres=# \q

The first statement changes the password of the user postgres to "abcd', and the second command exits the SQL shell.