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Posts: 21
Posted 09:20 Sep 25, 2012 |

Error Loading Property File I did everything according to the instruction step by step and then this error msg pops up.

NOTE: My WORK SPACE is located in a different DRIVE and not in the same Drive where the eclipse and Apache Tomcat server are placed/installed. Is that a possible issue ?
If not then plz suggest a solution.



- Das, Kalyan

Posts: 2935
Posted 09:23 Sep 25, 2012 |

Did you create the file? Double check the file name and make sure there's no leading/trailing white spaces.

Posts: 21
Posted 09:31 Sep 25, 2012 |

Thank You, I got it. I didn't create the file due to which there was an error.
I need to install the PostgreSQL in my system now to proceed further.

Posts: 21
Posted 21:02 Sep 25, 2012 |

I got everything going with PostGreSQL, carried out all steps described. I used the SQLscript Editor in PostGreSQL to execute the mentioned scripts-> csns-create.sql & csns-test-insert.sql

The Query executed smoothly but I'm confused about the last part where it says -

Run the project in Eclipse. If you can log into CSNS using one of the three existing accounts (the passwords are all abcd), the project is properly set up and you can start working on the code.

Could you plz elaborate this thing. Are we supposed to just RUN the project csns2 in the eclipse as it is (upto the point as per the instruction steps)
I did RUN the project as it was after all those steps (without even touching it) and I didn't get any window to enter any credentials to log on to CSNS account rather I got a RUNTIME ERROR as the Screen Shows.


Posts: 2935
Posted 21:32 Sep 25, 2012 |

Check the log file for error message.