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Posts: 1649
Posted 16:12 Sep 06, 2012 |

Hi all,

This is for all students who are enrolled in either section of CS 332F for Fall 2012.

This quarter we will be using a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) as part of this course. We will follow Coursera's Functional programming with Martin Odersky.  The course begins September 18. Please go to the course website and sign up.

We will use the Coursera course for the course lectures—at least through the first seven weeks of the quarter. You will be expected to watch the lectures outside class. Class time will be devoted to workshop and tutorial sessions.

Each week we will hold two workshops. Thursday 9:50 - 11:20 and 11:30 - 1:00. You may attend either one. (You may even  attend both if you want.) The workshops are intended to help you with the material in the lectures. However, they will not be lectures. You are expected to watch the lectures before coming to the workshops. At the workshops I will work with you individually. We may also work on some of the assignments from the lectures and perhaps some additional exercises.

Since the course begins September 18, we should have something to work with when we meet for the first time, which will be September 20. Even though you may be enrolled in a section that nominally meets Tuesdays, all our meetings, including the first one, will be Thursdays.

As you may know, MOOCs have become extremely popular over the past year. This is the first time we are using one in the CS Department. I am looking forward to the experience.

-- Russ Abbott

P.S. In case you noticed and were wondering about it, you were notified of this message because you are listed in CSNS as being enrolled in CS 332F for summer 2012.  That was just a work-around. There is no CS 332F this summer. We created the section solely so that I could send you this message.

Last edited by rabbott at 17:29 Sep 06, 2012.