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Posts: 1649
Posted 10:30 Jul 08, 2012 |


A number of you have selected chapters from the Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction for presentation. I listed them as possibilities, and you may certainly present them. I hope, though, that you aren't picking those chapters because they don't require any coding--or even any discussion of code as you would do when talking about a library or your own project.
These are non-trivial chapters, at the level of academic papers. Your presentations should be at that level also. When  you prepare your presentations be sure you understand the academic issues involved and that you explain those issues to the class at a level the class will understand. A significant part of your job will be to translate from academic terminology to terminology that will make sense to non-experts.
It will not necessarily be easier to present these chapters than to present information about a library or a project.
Last edited by rabbott at 15:47 Jul 08, 2012.