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Posts: 18
Posted 19:13 May 31, 2012 |

 nested exception is org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: syntax error at or near ""


Anyone know what this is and how to fix it in my sql script??

The Scripts all run perfectly through pgadmin but when I try and execute the maven package it gives me this error



I fixed this by opening all my scripts with PGAdmin and copy/pasting them to the original files, I guess there was hidden characters that I could not see when editing the files....All fixed

Last edited by rframe at 20:05 May 31, 2012.
Posts: 2935
Posted 20:05 May 31, 2012 |

You probably changed the encoding to something different from your computer's default encoding. Open the script in Eclipse, in Edit -> Set Encoding ..., change the encoding to "Default" or "ISO-8859-1" and see if it works.