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Posts: 59
Posted 19:43 May 25, 2012 |

Dear professor,

When editing an item, the instructor should change everything? I mean by everything, name, content, and type of content? Because lets say that the user wants to change the type of content without changing the content it self. This would be logical error, right? So that's why I think that the instructor should change everything once he decides to make changes on an item.

Last edited by Fatemah at 19:44 May 25, 2012.
Posts: 2935
Posted 11:24 May 26, 2012 |

I don't quite understand what you are saying. I think it's reasonable if a user just wants to change part of an item, e.g. just the item name.

Posts: 59
Posted 20:00 May 27, 2012 |

You are right! but what if he wants to change the item type? Then he should change the item content as well based on the item type.

We should know how to handle all cases.


Thank you professor!

Posts: 2935
Posted 08:55 May 28, 2012 |
Fatemah wrote:

You are right! but what if he wants to change the item type? Then he should change the item content as well based on the item type.


Yes, if content type is changed, content should be changed too.