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Posts: 40
Posted 22:09 May 18, 2012 |

When you say


  • If the item content is text, the user should be taken to a page where the item content is displayed.

I assume this means that text can be a block or page worth of text?  

Posts: 2935
Posted 22:13 May 18, 2012 |


Posts: 40
Posted 22:18 May 18, 2012 |

Should we allow an item to go over the maximum varchar length?  Or just impose the limit on the text input?

Posts: 2935
Posted 22:22 May 18, 2012 |
DavidGilbert wrote:

Should we allow an item to go over the maximum varchar length?  Or just impose the limit on the text input?

You should use a varchar length that's reasonable large - not the default 255 generated by Hibernate.

The maximum varchar length in a DBMS is typically 4GB.