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Posts: 6
Posted 14:36 Apr 28, 2012 |

Will homework 4 be posted this weekend ?

I guess there will be a homework 4 and due date is next friday, right?


Posts: 2935
Posted 14:40 Apr 28, 2012 |

Well, I appreciate the eagerness to do another homework, but there won't be one this week. The next homework (using Spring MVC) will be a handful though, so enjoy the weekend while you can. :)

Posts: 6
Posted 15:00 Apr 28, 2012 |

Thank you Dr. Sun.


Last edited by luferhyz at 15:02 Apr 28, 2012.
Posts: 40
Posted 18:28 Apr 28, 2012 |
cysun wrote:

Well, I appreciate the eagerness to do another homework, but there won't be one this week. The next homework (using Spring MVC) will be a handful though, so enjoy the weekend while you can. :)


Also, I'd like to point out that Diablo 3 is coming out on May 15th and I think it's only fair that we conclude class at that time so that we might all indulge in the game.