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Posts: 59
Posted 06:06 Apr 25, 2012 |

Dear professor,

I have three questions in HW3:

1- It says " Each class website must have an Announcements block and an Assignments block. "

This means that each time a class website is created, these two blocks has to be there by default, is that right? If so, I am not sure about how to do this. Is it the same idea with regular Java application? I mean, can we put the code of adding these two blocks inside the constructor of the course class which is for the courses table in the database side?


2- It also says "The Annoucements block shows the annoucements and the date of each annoucement. and the Assignments block lists the class assignments like homework and labs". Do you mean that these two blocks have to be treated differently from the other blocks? Or is this just for clarification?


3- The list of the item for each block should be hyperlinks . It doesn't matter if the content is URL, text, or file. Is that right?

Posts: 2935
Posted 12:36 Apr 25, 2012 |

1. Yes, those two blocks should be there when a new class website is created. Whether you want to do it in the constructor or not is up to you.

2. Yes, I think those two blocks need to be handled differently from other blocks, because the "items" in those two blocks are different from the items in other blocks (and different from each other).

3. When the items are displayed, all of them will be hyperlinked. Depending on the content of the item, the hyperlink will be different. For example, if the item content is a URL, the hyperlink will be the URL (like in HW2); if the content is an uploaded file, the hyperlink will be the URL to download the file (e.g. /download.html?fileId=...); and if the content is text, the URL leads to a controller that displays the content (you'll create a controller and the corresponding view for that later).

Posts: 59
Posted 14:45 Apr 25, 2012 |

Thank you professor for your reply.

For the assignment block, the list of items, labs and homework, should be hyperlinks right? (Like CS520 Class website)

Posts: 2935
Posted 14:54 Apr 25, 2012 |
Fatemah wrote:

Thank you professor for your reply.

For the assignment block, the list of items, labs and homework, should be hyperlinks right? (Like CS520 Class website)

Yes, the assignments would be hyperlinked too, but right now I'm not quite sure what should happen when a user clicks on an assignment - it'll depend on who the user is (i.e. whether it's the instructor or a student or someone who's not in the class), the assignment type (i.e. online or regular), and whether we want to change existing code for creating assignments. I'll need think about this more. For this homework you don't need to worry about the hyperlinks for the assignments.

Posts: 20
Posted 14:17 Apr 26, 2012 |
cysun wrote:

3. When the items are displayed, all of them will be hyperlinked. Depending on the content of the item, the hyperlink will be different. For example, if the item content is a URL, the hyperlink will be the URL (like in HW2); if the content is an uploaded file, the hyperlink will be the URL to download the file (e.g. /download.html?fileId=...); and if the content is text, the URL leads to a controller that displays the content (you'll create a controller and the corresponding view for that later).

Since this assignment (HW #3) is only the model phase, do we need to take this variable content into account for our schema design, or will we let the controller handle that?

Posts: 2935
Posted 14:22 Apr 26, 2012 |
mrighetti wrote:
cysun wrote:

3. When the items are displayed, all of them will be hyperlinked. Depending on the content of the item, the hyperlink will be different. For example, if the item content is a URL, the hyperlink will be the URL (like in HW2); if the content is an uploaded file, the hyperlink will be the URL to download the file (e.g. /download.html?fileId=...); and if the content is text, the URL leads to a controller that displays the content (you'll create a controller and the corresponding view for that later).

Since this assignment (HW #3) is only the model phase, do we need to take this variable content into account for our schema design, or will we let the controller handle that?

Yes, you do need to take that into account for model class / database schema design.