reset password
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Posts: 10
Posted 00:48 Apr 20, 2012 |


  Is there any way that I could delete the testing data in the cs3 server ?

  I have added some wrong inputs to the application. I need to clear those.

Thank you



Posts: 25
Posted 01:50 Apr 20, 2012 |

I'm also wondering how to reset my application. Usually we'd access those commands from the tomcat manager at{app context} but that's password protected.

Posts: 59
Posted 02:48 Apr 20, 2012 |

I think you can either reupload one of the files to CS3 server or do "touch"  on web.xml file.  

Last edited by Fatemah at 02:49 Apr 20, 2012.
Posts: 2935
Posted 07:39 Apr 20, 2012 |

FATEMAH is right. Log onto CS3 and run the "touch" command on web.xml, i.e.

> touch www/WEB-INF/web.xml

If you use WinSCP, you can also run the touch command from WinSCP's GUI.

"Touch" will update web.xml's timestamp to make Tomcat think that you uploaded a new version of the project, so Tomcat will reload the project thereby clear all the data in application scope.

Posts: 25
Posted 09:39 Apr 20, 2012 |

That refreshed the data but did not reload the application classes. It seems that Tomcat is keeping cached versions of the class files somewhere that I need to somehow reload.

Last edited by malamma at 09:39 Apr 20, 2012.
Posts: 2935
Posted 10:15 Apr 20, 2012 |
malamma wrote:

That refreshed the data but did not reload the application classes. It seems that Tomcat is keeping cached versions of the class files somewhere that I need to somehow reload.

Actually it should reload the classes as well. If it doesn't, usually it means the application got into some error state that Tomcat can't recover even by reloading the application context, and in that case Tomcat itself needs to be restarted (which I just did so that should fix your problem).

Posts: 25
Posted 14:13 Apr 20, 2012 |

That seems to have worked. Thanks for the help.

Posts: 10
Posted 17:40 Apr 20, 2012 |

Thank you !