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Posts: 25
Posted 17:25 Apr 18, 2012 |


I uploaded my HW2 source files to the CS3 server so that my file structure looks like this:









I've also made sure my web.xml file has the correct servlet mappings. Here's some sample code from it:


However, I'm getting a HTTP Status 404 - Servlet ShowCourses is not available error and I'm not sure how to go about fixing it.
Any ideas?
Edit: I'm accessing the site through this url (
Edit2: Just to clarify, I've uploaded the compiled .class files not the source files.
Last edited by malamma at 18:27 Apr 18, 2012.
Posts: 2935
Posted 19:46 Apr 18, 2012 |

I reloaded your application context. It's working now.

Posts: 25
Posted 20:12 Apr 18, 2012 |


Posts: 13
Posted 13:01 Apr 19, 2012 |

I have the same problem when I access to