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Posts: 59
Posted 22:51 Apr 16, 2012 |

Dear professor,

I think i don't understand clearly what you mean by "then by course code and section number in ascending order". See the attached image and tell me please if the output is correct or not and if it is not, how should it be look like?


Posts: 2935
Posted 07:51 Apr 17, 2012 |

It means when you try to decide the order of two classes:

First compare their quarters, and descending order means that the class in the more recent quarter should be listed first.

When two classes are in the same quarter, compare their course codes, and ascending order means the smaller course code (alphabetically) should be listed first.

When two classes are in the same quarter and have the same course code, the one with the smaller section number should be listed first.

So in your example, it should be

Summer 2012 CS320 Section 1
Summer 2012 CS520 Section 1