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Posts: 12
Posted 19:26 Apr 12, 2012 |

I don't know what problems others are having,

I'm having problems setting up and configuring the system - really searching around in the dark, spinning my wheels, pick your metaphor....

I have python installed, Eclipse, Java, and have downloaded and unzipped the files from Dropbox.  I've managed to get a few game boards displayed in the browser, and even the example playing xathis that was demoed in class, just by clicking on a few make.cmd or playagame.cmd files.  I'm plenty familiar with makefiles, but I have no idea how the pieces of this setup are put together. As someone with a full time job, I still have plenty of hours in the evening to work on this, but that time is being devoured by trying to setup/configure the system, rather than working on the breadth-first algorithm.

Russ, would you mind posting a step-by-step guide for setup, with explanations at each step as to the purpose of that step?

For example, how to compile a bot - including settings in cmd or makefiles for "cd" command parameter - how to place that bot in a game, both by itself to observe its behavior, and with one or more other bots for a competition?

Thanks much.

Posts: 2
Posted 21:48 Apr 12, 2012 |

1) I believe in PlayAGame.cmd file, at the very bottom is this code.


python tools/ ^
  "java -jar xathisMod1.jar" ^
  "java -jar StarterPack.jar" ^
  --map_file tools/maps/maze/ ^
  --log_dir game_logs --verbose -e ^
  --turns 2000 --engine_seed 34 
lines 2 and 3 is where you would have to edit to enter a specific bot.
2) Once you install java and python did you put their path into your system variables list? 
if you havent, there is short tutorial of how to do it. 
3) In the directory ...AI Challenge Ants\workspace\StarterPack\src, is the file that is your bot that you are supposed to program, at least thats what i think we should do. Once you are done, run make.cmd, which is located in the same directory,  file from the command prompt and it will create your bot and place it in ...AI Challenge Ants\workspace\AntChallenge folder under the name StarterPack.jar
I hope that helped!
Posts: 12
Posted 21:53 Apr 12, 2012 |

Thanks much!  I'll try this tomorrow A.M.

Posts: 1649
Posted 22:53 Apr 12, 2012 |

Also, you should be able to follow the tutorial on the Ants Challenge website. Once you have that running, you can modify it from there.

Posts: 5
Posted 22:17 Apr 18, 2012 |

Hi everyone, I'm having trouble running replays on my computer.
I followed the setup instructions on the wiki but it displays an error whenever I try to run PlayAGame.cmd
I've even reinstalled python and added it to the system path

I've attached the error on the command prompt

Posts: 4
Posted 00:28 Apr 19, 2012 |

Maybe check to see if you have the latest Java installed. To check, type "java -version" in the command prompt. I have java version "1.6.0_29"  and it works fine.

Posts: 1649
Posted 00:53 Apr 19, 2012 |

Yes, it looks like the error message is complaining about a wrong Java version.  I'm running with 1.7.0_01 with no problems.

Posts: 5
Posted 09:41 Apr 19, 2012 |

It says my java version is 1.6.0_31
Should I get java 1.7 instead?

Posts: 1649
Posted 11:44 Apr 19, 2012 |

Your version seems to be more recent than VELAHE's, and his works fine. But it shouldn't hurt to have the latest. 

Posts: 1649
Posted 11:51 Apr 19, 2012 |

It looks like the problem is caused by running a Java program on a version of Java that is earlier than the one that compiled it. Downloading the latest Java should solve the problem. Recompiling and regenerating the jar files on your machine should also solve the problem.

Posts: 5
Posted 14:13 Apr 19, 2012 |

Thanks, it managed the run the replay after installing Java 1.7

Posts: 12
Posted 10:43 May 11, 2012 |

We've been working on this for the past 3 days, and time and time again everything in the dropbox does not run. I started from scratch, but that's not coming along any better. every single playgame (except those included in the starter package) return "unsupported major.minor version 51.0"

I have compiled/ran in java 1.6 and 1.7. I currently have python2.7, which are all double checked with java -version in the cmd prompt. If anybody else ran into this problem please enlighten me!

I just put some Dr. Abbot's ants in the tutorial folder, altered the playagame.cmd to include it in the game, chainedastar crashes, sample bots carry on their business


finally got my new one working. for my sanity, guava is going to have to sit this one out.

Last edited by ajx500 at 11:45 May 11, 2012.
Posts: 1649
Posted 14:19 May 11, 2012 |

ChainedAStar was a work in progress.  It runs for me, but not well.  The better ones

of mine are BlueCat and GuavaSearch.  xathisOriginal also run well (and always wins).

The others in the Dropbox\CS_460_Ant_Programs\bots directory also run.


To run any of these, put your bot in the  Dropbox\CS_460_Ant_Programs\bots directory,

go up one level to the Dropbox\CS_460_Ant_Programs directory, copy and edit one of

the PlayAGame scripts to include your bot, and run the edited PlayAGame script.


It would be useful if someone has the time to modify PlayAGame to accept command

line arguments so that it isn't necessary to edit the script.