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Posts: 20
Posted 14:39 Apr 11, 2012 |

Out of curiosity, does anyone know the mechanism which causes the csns.ddl file to be changed?

After running the maven package phase this file came up as changed in my workspace.  Comparing the two, the only difference is the order of a few lines; nothing was added or removed.

I am assuming I should not commit the change.

Posts: 2935
Posted 16:48 Apr 11, 2012 |

csns.ddl is automatically generated by hibernate-tools (part of the object-relational mapping tool Hibernate that we'll discuss next week) based on the JPA annotations in the data model classes. Because of some kind of bug in hibernate-tools, the generated scripts may differ even when the annotations are the same. Strictly speaking it's not really a bug because the differences are simply in the order of some columns/constraints, or in other words the scripts are still "correct", but it's kind of annoying when the generated script is version controlled.

You can either discard the change (by doing a svn revert on that file)  or commit it. Either way it doesn't really matter.