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Posts: 59
Posted 15:42 Apr 07, 2012 |

Dear professor,

I don't know how to run mvn package on Eclips. Please see the attached file!

Posts: 121
Posted 15:53 Apr 07, 2012 |

Go down to Mvaen 6 and select it , and just type "package" in goal line . that will do it

Posts: 59
Posted 16:03 Apr 07, 2012 |

Thank you so much

Posts: 40
Posted 19:40 Apr 12, 2012 |

Dr. Sun,

I ran Maven build unsuccessfully before finding this thread.  Now I have several configurations saved, but I can't find them to delete them.  ie, I initially built csns2-src now it complains if I try to reuse that name. 

Plain and simple question:
How do I delete old configurations that I don't want to keep?  Where are they stored? 

Or does configuration naming matter?

- David

Last edited by DavidGilbert at 19:42 Apr 12, 2012.