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Posts: 34
Posted 12:43 Mar 19, 2012 |

Hi professor,

You said the most complex part is the convert of the arrff file, and then we basically should do the same thing in

But when we run the train method, we need the parameters g & c which looks like should be get from

If the above is correct, then we should also do the things in OR find a good pair of g & c for and hard code them?

Posts: 2935
Posted 12:59 Mar 19, 2012 |

Then do the things in

Posts: 29
Posted 07:23 Mar 20, 2012 |

Hi Dr. sun,

1.  Can I assume the libsvm.jar is already referenced in the build path on your machine?

2.  Can the parameters change base on the dataset?  For example, if C-SVC is better for allelectronics.arff while nu-SVC is better for employees.arff, can I display different parameters for each dynamically? 

Thank you.

Posts: 2935
Posted 07:25 Mar 20, 2012 |
aaronyen wrote:

Hi Dr. sun,

1.  Can I assume the libsvm.jar is already referenced in the build path on your machine?

2.  Can the parameters change base on the dataset?  For example, if C-SVC is better for allelectronics.arff while nu-SVC is better for employees.arff, can I display different parameters for each dynamically? 

Thank you.

1. Yes

2. Certainly.