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Posts: 121
Posted 23:34 Jan 30, 2012 |

Could you please explain the difference between pat 1 and 3 of assigmnet 3? it seems they are asking the same thing.

Posts: 20
Posted 23:37 Jan 30, 2012 |

In Assignment 3, part 1 is only asking for mock-up screens and user interactions with the application. Part 3 actually shows the flow of your application. From the initial Activity that the application starts with till core functionality, usage loops and eventual exit and application destruction. It's a sort of state diagram that shows how your application flow works from screen to screen.

Hope that makes sense.


Mahan Hajianpour

Posts: 40
Posted 23:40 Jan 30, 2012 |
aligh1979 wrote:

Could you please explain the difference between pat 1 and 3 of assigmnet 3? it seems they are asking the same thing.

Ali Part 1 is like those screen shot I showed u and part 3 is like the one we draw in class in detail..

Last edited by Sanaz_6101 at 23:40 Jan 30, 2012.