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Posts: 5
Posted 19:59 Jan 29, 2012 |


I am having trouble uploading hw1 on cs3 server. I followed the exact instructions of the video on how to upload hw0. I did that same procedure to upload hw1 but with no success.

I also took note that we needed to change @WebServlet("") too but whatever I changed it to still had no effect.

Am I doing something wrong? Please help!


ON THE SIDE NOTE: I also made a custom folder called Wiki and made an index.html page to test. It works and runs fine but I then deleted that folder and the index.html but it still shows up on the webpage so I'm also curious why it's still showing even though I deleted both the folder and index page.

Posts: 23
Posted 20:51 Jan 29, 2012 |

The CS3 server should be reloaded to detect the new changes. Change the web.xml file in the your CS3 account will cause the server reloading.


The path @WebServlet("/wiki/index") mapped on the server will be 

Posts: 5
Posted 21:24 Jan 29, 2012 |

I'm sorry but how do I change the web.xml file?

I'm noticing that when I change my code, I reupload the .class files on the cs3 server successfully. However, the website is not changing nor registering when i go to the  website.

Posts: 23
Posted 21:38 Jan 29, 2012 |
jlipsun wrote:

I'm sorry but how do I change the web.xml file?

I'm noticing that when I change my code, I reupload the .class files on the cs3 server successfully. However, the website is not changing nor registering when i go to the  website.

Add a blank line in the web.xml to see if it can help.

Last edited by YangXuan at 21:38 Jan 29, 2012.
Posts: 5
Posted 23:09 Jan 29, 2012 |

My account just stopped working -_-. Not even hw0 helloservlet or hellojstl is working which I didn't even touch. cs320stu12. Did I somehow do something wrong?

Posts: 23
Posted 23:11 Jan 29, 2012 |

Restarted, try again

Posts: 5
Posted 23:13 Jan 29, 2012 |

Okay its back on. Thanks!

Posts: 5
Posted 23:20 Jan 29, 2012 |

Okay, I think I'm bad luck or I am doing something wrong because it's not working again. Sorry!

Posts: 23
Posted 23:25 Jan 29, 2012 |
jlipsun wrote:

Okay, I think I'm bad luck or I am doing something wrong because it's not working again. Sorry!


It is alright, I restarted again. It should be okay.