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Posts: 121
Posted 17:04 Jan 27, 2012 |

Just to make sure about ElGamal Digital Signature, lecture 2 ,, slide 74 , M is the Digest value or the message itself?

if it is the digest , then do we have the free choice to choose between MD5 or SHA , or A symmetric-key block cipher?

Posts: 139
Posted 08:38 Jan 28, 2012 |

M is the message.

Posts: 121
Posted 17:41 Jan 28, 2012 |

so ElGamal  does not use any Hash Algorithm like MD or SHA ? .as we heard in slide 58 , we have two different approaches for compression function :

, "form scratch" ( like MD or SHA)    or]

"A symmetric-key block cipher serves as a compression function" ,

but Elgamal is a asymmetric key crypto system , not a symmetric one . I am still confused about it.