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Posts: 18
Posted 12:37 Dec 01, 2011 |

To Dr. Sun,

"Number of scores" refers to all students or students only who entered score?

Thank You! 

Posts: 2935
Posted 13:10 Dec 01, 2011 |

It's not the number of students in any case.

Basically your mean, median, min, max and so on have to come from a set of scores, and the "number of scores" is the number of scores in that set.

If you have multiple rubrics associated with an assignment, for each rubric there's a "number of scores" (because there could be the situation where, for example, the instructor gave the score on Oral Communcation but not graded Teamwork yet).

Posts: 18
Posted 15:58 Dec 01, 2011 |

Dear Prof,

The system gives the score to the criteria  of the rubric.

As per the snapshot of HW 7,we have 3 criterias for Oral Communication rubric.

Consider, If there are 2 students, and for "Logical Organization" and "English Language", criterions, both the students got scores.

However for "Technical Vocabulary", only one student got the score.

So for the rubric "OralCommunication", there will be total 2+2+1=5 scores.

So we need to display 5 in this case for NoofScores?


Thanks and Regards,


Posts: 2935
Posted 16:13 Dec 01, 2011 |
Harshil wrote:

Dear Prof,

The system gives the score to the criteria  of the rubric.

As per the snapshot of HW 7,we have 3 criterias for Oral Communication rubric.

Consider, If there are 2 students, and for "Logical Organization" and "English Language", criterions, both the students got scores.

However for "Technical Vocabulary", only one student got the score.

So for the rubric "OralCommunication", there will be total 2+2+1=5 scores.

So we need to display 5 in this case for NoofScores?


Thanks and Regards,

Scores are RubricScores. What you are counting is ratings, not scores. In your case there are two scores, each with three ratings.

You may exclude incomplete scores (e.g. in your example one of the scores only has 2 out of 3 ratings) when you calculate the statistics.