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Posts: 18
Posted 21:26 Nov 28, 2011 |

In given table,  min, max, average, and median ratings for each student or for all students?


Last edited by Harshil at 21:26 Nov 28, 2011.
Posts: 2935
Posted 21:29 Nov 28, 2011 |

For all students.

Posts: 29
Posted 14:14 Nov 30, 2011 |

Can only the instructor for that assignment view the rubric score statistics?  Thank you.

Posts: 2935
Posted 14:18 Nov 30, 2011 |
aaronyen wrote:

Can only the instructor for that assignment view the rubric score statistics?  Thank you.

The short answer is yes, but the assignment doesn't ask you to secure rubric scores so you don't have to do it.