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Posts: 121
Posted 17:55 Nov 25, 2011 |

The "Method and object Security" part (voter  .....) is not implemented in current Csns2 project inside "security.xml"

package/class voter does not exist either

Last edited by aligh1979 at 18:17 Nov 25, 2011.
Posts: 121
Posted 18:24 Nov 25, 2011 |

Realized it has been added to the second project for csns2 in repository , so if you guys have not added that to your Eclipse , that is the address :  svn://

if you have it already , just update to head

Last edited by aligh1979 at 18:25 Nov 25, 2011.
Posts: 121
Posted 19:49 Nov 25, 2011 |

What does anonymous user mean?  if means that if no body has logged in , it's against the initial design , since we put restriction on accessing to Rubic on the Menu

Posts: 2935
Posted 08:51 Nov 26, 2011 |

1. Yes, you need to modify security.xml in your project based on the examples discussed in class.

2. Anonymous users are users who have not logged in.

3. Hiding the Rubrics menu in previous assignments was a temporary solution to prevent anonymous users from accidentally creating/changing rubrics. Now you need to implement security the proper way as described in HW7.