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Posts: 134
Posted 22:52 Nov 20, 2011 |

I know this a little late to ask in the quarter, but I still sometimes get confused on which objects to save. 

In the assignment controller, there is an assignment, a section, and rubrics involved with it.  My question is how do you know which object to save when they all are associated with one another....

Rubric has list of assignments

assignment has list of rubrics

section has a list of assignments...


How do you know which one you're going to save.  As in, should u call the assignmentDao, sectionDao. etc etc.  Saving the section solves my problem, but it looks wierd to save a section when you are creating an assignment. 

Posts: 2935
Posted 15:58 Nov 21, 2011 |

The short answer is choose whichever one is more convenient. If a bi-directional mapping is done correctly, saving on either side should work.