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Posts: 134
Posted 22:58 Nov 19, 2011 |

Suddenly my postgres server crashed.  I have been trying to fix it for the past five hours.  It's giving me a winsocket 10038 exception and whatever I'm doing I cannot connect to the server.  I reinstalled postgres and nothing happens.  Have you ever seen this professor?  I'm literally clueless at the moment.

Posts: 2935
Posted 00:18 Nov 20, 2011 |

I never had this problem before, but I guess it's either a port problem (e.g. the port is blocked by firewall or there's a port conflict) or a hardware problem (e.g. corrupted disk files). Try the following:

  • Check Services and see if the PostgreSQL service is running. If not, check log for the error message.
  • If the service is running, try using different clients (e.g. psql, pgadmin) to connect and see what error message you get.
  • If you have telnet on your computer, try telnet to the 5432 port and see what message you get.
  • If you reinstall postgres, try using a different port and a different data folder.
  • Use CrystalDiskInfo to see if your hard drive is OK.
Last edited by cysun at 00:19 Nov 20, 2011.
Posts: 134
Posted 00:23 Nov 20, 2011 |

Inside the log file, I get this exception...
2011-11-19 23:53:07 PST LOG:  could not receive data from client: Unknown winsock error 10038

  • I cannot run the service.  It starts then stops.
  • Both psql and pgadmin don't let me connect
  • Crystal shows ok.

Can you please specify what port I should use.

Last edited by Vanquish39 at 00:50 Nov 20, 2011.
Posts: 134
Posted 17:37 Nov 20, 2011 |

finally after wasting all of saturday and half of sunday, I fixed it.  Apparently malware destroyed my winsockets.  I did a restore of my sockets and I finally could connect to the database.  Problem was afterwards, my internet stopped working.  I couldn't connect to my router.  Another several hours, finally fixed that also.  So I ended up wasting the weekend :-)  lol