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Posts: 134
Posted 13:18 Nov 12, 2011 |

Confused on wording.

Question 2)  It says that when a instructor clicks on the students name, this is referred to as "View Submission"?  When I click it,  it says http://localhost:8080/csns2/instructor/gradeSubmission.html?submissionId=1.   Grade submission..

When I login as a student then click on the assignment, then it says viewSubmission. 

What I am confused on is the part where it says when an instructor clicks the students name, it should show the view submission but rather it shows grade submission.  When I login as a student, then it shows view submission. 

Technically they are both the same window, view submission on the student part, and grade submission on the instructor part right?

Posts: 2935
Posted 14:23 Nov 12, 2011 |

instructor/gradeSubmission is the page you need to implement. You can keep the URL or just change it to instructor/viewSubmission.

Posts: 134
Posted 17:19 Nov 12, 2011 |

Professor I'm having a small issue.

I wrote the jeditable, so it works fine.  Gets the values, sends them to the server, controller updates the grade and comments and I do a redirect to the same page.  Problem is, everytime I do a redirect to the same page, my jsp is all messed up . Wierd layout, multiple smaller pages on same page, it's wierd.  When I reload the page, everything looks fine.  What's causing this?

Posts: 2935
Posted 17:30 Nov 12, 2011 |

If your controller does a redirect, it's no longer Ajax.

Posts: 134
Posted 18:06 Nov 12, 2011 |

When you click the button to change content for grade and you hit save, does this send info to the server? or do you wait until the ok button is clicked?

Posts: 134
Posted 19:40 Nov 12, 2011 |

nvm, I solved it.  Sorry bout that.

Posts: 29
Posted 15:59 Nov 15, 2011 |

Hi Dr. Sun,

For Part 1, should we set the "from" string to "cysun@localhost.localdomain" or leave it as it is (my hMailServer account)?

Thank you.