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Posts: 134
Posted 17:01 Nov 11, 2011 |

Now I'm having another problem which I always get here and there.  The 404 error on server startup.  I deleted the server, then added a new one with csns2.  Everytime it loads up it goes to 404 error.  Usually it will say initializing spring web application context or something like that in the console, but it doesn't say that.  The server loads in like 5 seconds, usually takes about 20 seconds.  I refreshed the project, deleted and cleaned the server but no luck.  Why does this happen?  It's happens often and I usually delete server and restart it.  This time, it's not going away.

Posts: 134
Posted 19:57 Nov 11, 2011 |

Solved this one.  Thanks.

Posts: 121
Posted 21:06 Nov 11, 2011 |

it happened to me before , frustrated and wasted my time for a couple of hours , if you have something wrong with your annotation that could cause this problem. one way to figure if its because of annotation .... is to run Maven process-package , if it gave you error , then thats 100% the problem

Posts: 134
Posted 21:10 Nov 11, 2011 |

I added some servlet so I could process the sendEmail.  I removed the servlet and it worked again.  I later realized that this isn't the correct way to do it.  I just sent an ajax call to the rubricController and it handled it there.  But I'm still having problems setting up my email server.  It doesn't send anything.  Gives me a server is interrupted exception.