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Posts: 121
Posted 14:14 Nov 10, 2011 |

1. Do we have to use Jedit specifically , or it's fine as long as it is Ajax/Jquery ?

2. the approach that I am taking is the same as the one in Csns2 , for viewSection , that upon submit ,  we get the value from another jsp page , returned by controller . is it the right way using Jedit?

3. all the things we do in jsp page is with Jstl . for getting or submitting any value as parameter . but it does not work inside the Script tags , what should we do about it?

Posts: 2935
Posted 14:39 Nov 10, 2011 |

1. Yes, you must use Jeditable.

2. I don't know what you mean. Generally speaking, the server side of Ajax is the same as before: a controller get a request, process it, and returns a view. The difference between Ajax and synchronized request-response is on the client side - for Ajax, the request is an asynchronous request sent from JavaScript.

3. I don't know what you mean.

Posts: 121
Posted 14:46 Nov 10, 2011 |

for my number 3 question what I meant was , accessing whatever that is passed to this view, like rubric , submission. inside script

<script type="text/javascript">

 $(document).ready(function() {
     $('.edit').editable('saveGrade.html?submissionId='${submission.Id} ,
         type      : 'text',
         loadurl   : 'saveGrade.html',




Posts: 2935
Posted 15:59 Nov 10, 2011 |

JSTL and EL should work inside JavaScript <script> tags - to JSP, JavaScript is just like other HTML template text.