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Posts: 22
Posted 18:17 Nov 05, 2011 |

so if all the unit test dont pass does maven still build a deploy file ie. war, zip, jar.

Posts: 121
Posted 18:29 Nov 05, 2011 |

I am not sure about the WAR , but it will make the Zip when you run the command "Package"

Posts: 22
Posted 18:46 Nov 05, 2011 |

but is it wise to deploy a package if all the unit test don't pass.  And is there a way to do this.

Posts: 121
Posted 18:53 Nov 05, 2011 |

there are two different things , if your test does not pass then there is a problem with your code that you need to fix before deploying . but I know that when you are trying to make the zip package it runs the test suite as well , so if you really want to deploy it , just keep the tests that are running without any error inside the rubricDaoTest..... and remove the ones that are generating error in order to be able to make the zip package

Posts: 2935
Posted 21:59 Nov 05, 2011 |

Fix the problem first.