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Posts: 4
Posted 10:46 Nov 03, 2011 |

Anything before MPI_Rank() or after MPI_Finalize() gets repeated. I thought that any output statements before the MPI_Rank() or after MPI_Finalize() would only be output once. Am i missing something?

Posts: 22
Posted 11:21 Nov 03, 2011 |

Here's my understanding of this.

I think you have it backwards. MPI_Rank() will create the new processes, anything after that line is run by all the nodes. MPI_Finalize() waits for the nodes to finish, anything after that line is run by node 0 only. 

Posts: 4
Posted 12:01 Nov 03, 2011 |

That was my understanding but when i do that in code everything gets repeated(unless a function is in an if statement).

Posts: 4
Posted 12:19 Nov 03, 2011 |


The behavior after a call to MPI_Finalize is undefined. It cleans up the MPI environment, but processes may or may not continue running after a call to it. It's best to put as little code as possible after a call to MPI_Finalize due to this undefined behavior.