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Posts: 121
Posted 05:42 Oct 30, 2011 |

we had the  example that we had for a User type attribute of a course , which uses a <form:select   ...

I am able to use it in my Rubric if and only if I use <form:select .....

1.  I have done serious search on google and looked at the Spring Documentation (provided link on the lecture)

it seems that I am not able to use like a simple <form:input ......    , to make it work if it is just a single User not a list

I do not want to use regular html form tag (it could be easy that way) since it has to be bound to the creator of the Rubric (which is a user type) and I have to use one of the spring form tags , but none of them seem to work , and I do not see any attribute like "item" to be able to get the value of the user(passed from controler to JSP) . I tried all possible combinations and no luck

2. it would be nicer i I could have a hidden input for that (if I could make the first step done )

the only hing I found is this , "   <formHiddenInput:  path="user"  />"  , it is hidden , but still , no data binding happens for user property.

Note: if I use it like the course example , it will bind and get saved into database . so at least this part is correct.

Last edited by aligh1979 at 05:46 Oct 30, 2011.
Posts: 2935
Posted 11:24 Oct 30, 2011 |

You shouldn't let the user to enter the creator for a rubric. The creator should be determined by SecurityUtils.getCurrentUser(). For this assignment you can assume that anyone who creates a rubric is already logged in.