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Posts: 12
Posted 17:42 Oct 29, 2011 |

Dr. Sun, 

For hw#4 I believe there was another part that you were suppose to give us as it may conflict with our hw#3 structure. Did you upload that part to svn already or is it somewhere else?

Posts: 121
Posted 17:47 Oct 29, 2011 |

he already did . add a new repository location . with this .


Posts: 2935
Posted 23:04 Oct 29, 2011 |

I said the CSNS2 examples we discussed in class could be checked out from the SVN repository mentioned above. Because it also has the csns2 project name, you may need to change the project name when you check it out to avoid a name conflict with your own csns2 project.

Note that it's just some sample code, not part of HW4.

Posts: 121
Posted 11:00 Nov 01, 2011 |

Do we need to upload a text file for the created/changed files as we did for homework 3? there is no upload link by the way for homework 4

Posts: 2935
Posted 15:27 Nov 01, 2011 |
aligh1979 wrote:

Do we need to upload a text file for the created/changed files as we did for homework 3? there is no upload link by the way for homework 4

No. And the upload link is added. Thanks for reminding me.

Last edited by cysun at 15:29 Nov 01, 2011.
Posts: 29
Posted 19:57 Nov 02, 2011 |

Hi Dr. Sun,

Allow users to edit rubrics. Specifically, the following functions should be implemented:

  • Add criteria.
  • Delete criteria.
  • Edit criteria descriptions.

For the "Edit criteria descriptions" part, do you mean an user can change the rating descriptions (ex. descriptions under 1~4) for each criteria or only the criteria name?  My program currently allows users to change each rating descriptions but not the criteria name.  Is that correct?


And also, will jdoe1, etc users be able to add and edit the rubrics?

Last edited by aaronyen at 20:54 Nov 02, 2011.
Posts: 2935
Posted 22:32 Nov 02, 2011 |
aaronyen wrote:

Hi Dr. Sun,

Allow users to edit rubrics. Specifically, the following functions should be implemented:

  • Add criteria.
  • Delete criteria.
  • Edit criteria descriptions.

For the "Edit criteria descriptions" part, do you mean an user can change the rating descriptions (ex. descriptions under 1~4) for each criteria or only the criteria name?  My program currently allows users to change each rating descriptions but not the criteria name.  Is that correct?


And also, will jdoe1, etc users be able to add and edit the rubrics?

1. Change rating descriptions.

2. Yes.

3. Yes.

Posts: 18
Posted 19:13 Nov 03, 2011 |

Dr Prof,

Is it fine if we implement only these 3 functions as Edit Rubrics. ?

  • Add criteria.
  • Delete criteria.
  • Edit criteria descriptions.

Or User should be allowed to change the rubric name and rubric rating scale also? if user can change the rubric rating scale, specifically, if he decreases the scale, lets say from 4 to 3, what should be the the case of existing criterion descriptions, should we remove the last criterion desc from each criterion?


Posts: 2935
Posted 22:29 Nov 03, 2011 |
Harshil wrote:

Dr Prof,

Is it fine if we implement only these 3 functions as Edit Rubrics. ?

  • Add criteria.
  • Delete criteria.
  • Edit criteria descriptions.

Or User should be allowed to change the rubric name and rubric rating scale also? if user can change the rubric rating scale, specifically, if he decreases the scale, lets say from 4 to 3, what should be the the case of existing criterion descriptions, should we remove the last criterion desc from each criterion?


For this assignment implementing the 3 functions listed in the assignment description is enough.

Allowing editing rubric/criteria names is fairly simple, but changing rating scale, as you pointed out, would affect the rating descriptions. A reasonable implementation would drop the last rating description(s) if the scale is reduced, and add empty description(s) if the scale is increased.