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Posts: 12
Posted 15:59 Oct 22, 2011 |

"Each criterion has a name, and for each rating value, a description of the performance quality that warrants the rating."


Do you mean that we need to create another class for Criterion Class or we need to put those attributes or valuables in the Rubric Class. 


Thank you

Posts: 2935
Posted 19:26 Oct 22, 2011 |

You decide.

Posts: 41
Posted 01:40 Oct 23, 2011 |

For this part:

One or more rubrics can be associated with an assignment. For example, we may associate an Oral Communication rubric to the Midterm Presentation assignment in CS520. The instructor grades a student's work for the assignment by giving a rating to each criterion in each rubric associated with the assignment. The ratings for a rubric is stored in a class RubricScore in the csns.model.assessment package.


Should we

1) make an instance of in the  RubricScore class?  I am kinda confuse on what to do with this class other than create an score variable. 

2) or modify to accept a  RubricScore. 

thanks in advance.

Posts: 2935
Posted 08:25 Oct 23, 2011 |

Again, you need to figure this one out yourself since it's a homework.

If you feel confused, try to think using a concrete example. For example, design the classes in whatever way you think is appropriate, generate the database schema using hbm2ddl, then look at the class/schema design and ask yourself the question: suppose we have the Teamwork rubric associated with CS520 Homework 3, and suppose we want to find out the rating for CALIKIDD on the Participation criterion, how do we get that information from the classes/database?

Posts: 18
Posted 15:28 Oct 23, 2011 |

Dear Prof,

as you mentioned,  "suppose we have the Teamwork rubric associated with CS520 Homework 3, and suppose we want to find out the rating for CALIKIDD on the Participation criterion, how do we get that information from the classes/database?"


As Teamwork Rubric has 5 criterion, and I have designed it such way that system will return one RubricScore for each criterion,[as per Hw3 - The instructor grades a student's work for the assignment by giving a rating to each criterion in each rubric associated with the assignment. ].

As per the above example, My code returns one rubricScore for Participation criterion of Teamwork for the user CALIKIDD.

Is That fine? and If yes, I have to change the "assert" statement in RubricScoreDaoTest as it expects one RubricScore for the John.

And as per my design it returns 3 RubricScores [one per criterion].


Posts: 2935
Posted 16:24 Oct 23, 2011 |
Harshil wrote:

... and I have designed it such way that system will return one RubricScore for each criterion,...

That's incorrect. a RubricScore should contain the ratings for all the criteria of a rubric, not just one criterion.

And you may not change the test code.

Posts: 18
Posted 19:45 Oct 23, 2011 |

Dear Prof,

Does that mean that One RubricScore should contain an ArrayList whose each element should be criterion and corresponding rubric score.

And In case of Hw3 - One RubricScore of John Doe should have an arrayList of 3 items, each item is of criterion Name and its score?


Posts: 2935
Posted 21:45 Oct 23, 2011 |
Harshil wrote:

Dear Prof,

Does that mean that One RubricScore should contain an ArrayList whose each element should be criterion and corresponding rubric score.

And In case of Hw3 - One RubricScore of John Doe should have an arrayList of 3 items, each item is of criterion Name and its score?


You decide.