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Posts: 68
Posted 20:38 Oct 13, 2011 |

I follow an instruction of Maven with Servlet 3.0 by Dr.Sun, everything works except when I try to add taglib to JSP.
This is an error message.

"org.apache.jasper.JasperException: The absolute uri: cannot be resolved in either web.xml or the jar files deployed with this application"

I have the same format of web.xml and pom with SVN:review. But it still has an error.

Thank you.

Posts: 121
Posted 20:55 Oct 13, 2011 |

Did you add the jstl libraries to your project? if no , download these two jar files from here  , and put it under your project library . you can right click on your project --->  build path ---> configuration build path --->  click on library tab and add these two jar files

Posts: 68
Posted 21:54 Oct 13, 2011 |

Did you add the jstl libraries to your project

Yes, I did. I have added it by using Maven->add dependency.
It still does not work.

Posts: 121
Posted 22:07 Oct 13, 2011 |

initially when I made my project I made a regular dynamic web project , so for the purpose of submitting the homework (due tonight) just make one use that .

in case of maven it is more complicated , it took me a couple of trial and error to make it work (It did not have jstl error though)

there are a couple of jstl dependencies for maven by the way , maybe you are not using the right one . to make sure just open and edit the POM.xml file manually and compare it with this. (you probablly do not need junit section though )


<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
  <name>hm2 Maven Webapp</name>

Last edited by aligh1979 at 22:48 Oct 13, 2011.
Posts: 68
Posted 22:36 Oct 13, 2011 |

Hi ALIGH1979,

My JSTL used in POM is the same as you.
I have no idea what is wrong either, anyway thanks a lot for your help.

Posts: 68
Posted 23:03 Oct 13, 2011 |

Hi all,

Finally it works, but I don't know the reason.
I kept changing dependencies around. And restarted server many times.
I need to learn more about Eclipse, I guess.