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Posts: 121
Posted 02:12 Oct 11, 2011 |

Since creating a new Maven project is tricky , I tried to copy the existing maven project and I encountered many problems , including duplicate name problem error and other errors that I can not recall now .then I thought that because of some internal addressing references it might be better to create a new maven project .

So I tried and created many maven project with different group id and artifact , but at the end I am encountering the same problem again.

I am adding all the dependencies to my Pom.xml and adding a 1.6 plugin . and changing xml files accordingly. (following the pattern of an existing Maven project) . but no luck. before editing the Web.xml , I am able to run the static resources but my servelt are not found (404 , resources are not found) , and after editing the web.xml file , my error is the following ("could not publish/start Tomcat") . I took some shot of my environment setting.

Last edited by aligh1979 at 02:13 Oct 11, 2011.
Posts: 2935
Posted 08:22 Oct 11, 2011 |

The error basically says you have two projects trying to deploy to the same URL, so delete the unused projects or at least remove them from the server (in the Servers view).

I just posted some instructions on creating a Maven webapp with Servlet 3.0. Please check it out here.