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Posts: 121
Posted 14:58 Oct 07, 2011 |

assume that I have created a servlet name AddRubric  and a jsp by the same name AddRubric.jsp

the first time if somebody wants to add a rubric , the request goes to get method and forwarded to  AddRubric.jsp , after someone put the name of the rubric and scale and press Next , it is supposed to be processed by the Post methods.

Here is the error that I get . ''The requested resource (/cs520-review/AddRubric) is not available"

it seems that if we are forwarded from a servlet to a jsp page (and we still see the servlet address in address bar) and we are going to post to that servelt again it wont accept that . is that correct? , means technically we have not left the servlet yet and it can not handle a post request to itself while we are technically still in there , or I am wrong?

is there any work around it , since not using this feature will force me to use Send redirect and possibly extra servelt ....


Last edited by aligh1979 at 15:00 Oct 07, 2011.
Posts: 134
Posted 15:32 Oct 07, 2011 |

I assume you are getting that error inside the eclipse when you run it on the server yes?  I get that all the time.  Try accessing the servlet via http://localhost:8080/Projectname/Servletname via a browser.

In my opinion, creating that extra servlet makes things more clearer, so you don't have to bunch up all your code in 1 servlet.

Also in the <form action="">  You should name the action to the name of the servlet, if you haven't already.

Posts: 121
Posted 16:11 Oct 07, 2011 |

I tried the regular fire fox browser ,same thing . and yes the action is the name of the server.

Posts: 134
Posted 16:13 Oct 07, 2011 |

Can you please post what is calling that servlet.  How are you calling it?

If you are doing response.sendRedirect().... it should be response.sendRedirect("AddRubric"); .... which is a servlet

Last edited by Vanquish39 at 16:13 Oct 07, 2011.
Posts: 2935
Posted 16:53 Oct 07, 2011 |
aligh1979 wrote:

it seems that if we are forwarded from a servlet to a jsp page (and we still see the servlet address in address bar) and we are going to post to that servelt again it wont accept that .


No, it's not like that. Most likely you just specified a wrong URL in your form action.

Posts: 121
Posted 17:10 Oct 07, 2011 |

Thank you , I played with it , and some how it got fixed . don't know why , but think it is just maven/tomcat bug or confusion...