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Posts: 121
Posted 11:01 Oct 05, 2011 |

I am just curious , since when I was following the tutorial for Merge and other commands for SVN , we had to update .

if we do a change in our project and do not commit and do an update(to head) instead , technically the change should be gone right?

I made a small change in my project (viewSubmission File) and without comitting updated it , and nothing happend and the file was unchanged.

Posts: 2935
Posted 14:16 Oct 05, 2011 |

Let's say you checked out a file at revision 1 from the repository then made some changes to it, and without committing the changes you did an update. In this case the version control system compares the latest version from the repository (which is revision 1) and your local version, and notices that your local version is actually "newer" because it's based on revision 1 but with more changes, so it will leave your changes alone.

Consider a different scenario where another developer committed his/her changes to the repository, which would bring the repository version to revision 2. Now if you try to do an update, the version control system can no longer decide which version is "newer" - your revision 1 + changes or revision 2, so you'll have a conflict which you'll need to manually resolve.