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Posts: 29
Posted 13:08 Oct 04, 2011 |

I tried to setup the environment on another machine but I've encountered this problem:

ArtifactTransferException: Failure to transfer freemarker:freemarker:jar:2.3.8

and the same for jfree:jfreechart:jar:1.0.12

I manually added those 2 dependencies but the error still persists. 


Offline is unchecked and download repository index updates on startup is checked.

There are no operations to display under Progress either, which means the indexing step is finished?

Does anyone know how to fix this?  Thanks.

Last edited by aaronyen at 13:14 Oct 04, 2011.
Posts: 29
Posted 13:17 Oct 04, 2011 |

After I unchecked the "Do not automatically update dependencies from remote repositories" and restarted Eclipse, the 2 dependencies are added and updated.  No more errors.