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Posts: 12
Posted 23:44 Sep 30, 2011 |

In your import tutorial, it says that Right click on the project name then select Team -> Share Project....

But I'm not able to find Share Project in Team. How do I get that selection? 

Thank you 

Posts: 121
Posted 23:59 Sep 30, 2011 |

reply to :

"In your import tutorial, it says that Right click on the project name then select Team -> Share Project....

But I'm not able to find Share Project in Team. How do I get that selection?"


it should be a regular java EE project and not connected to repository . if it is connected to it (has a * star) then go to team --> disconnect and you can choose the option to delete it from the repository also . after that team only have two options and one of them is share...

the other thing you could do if this did not work , delete it and make another java EE project and try again.

Last edited by aligh1979 at 00:20 Oct 01, 2011.
Posts: 2935
Posted 07:58 Oct 01, 2011 |

Also remember that "import" is to put a project under version control, and you only do it once per project (for CSNS2 I already did it for you). To save your changes to the repository, you do "commit".

Posts: 12
Posted 09:25 Oct 01, 2011 |
cysun wrote:

Also remember that "import" is to put a project under version control, and you only do it once per project (for CSNS2 I already did it for you). To save your changes to the repository, you do "commit".

Thank you Dr. Sun. 

How do I create SVN Repositories? Can I do the following thing :

Can I go to Window -> Open Perspective -> Other -> SVN Repositories -> And there's this Add SVN Repositories button to add a new Repository

Posts: 2935
Posted 09:36 Oct 01, 2011 |
yychen wrote:
cysun wrote:

Also remember that "import" is to put a project under version control, and you only do it once per project (for CSNS2 I already did it for you). To save your changes to the repository, you do "commit".

Thank you Dr. Sun. 

How do I create SVN Repositories? Can I do the following thing :

Can I go to Window -> Open Perspective -> Other -> SVN Repositories -> And there's this Add SVN Repositories button to add a new Repository

You don't need to create a new repository. What you described is to add the location of an existing repository to Eclipse (kind of like adding a connection to an existing database).

Last edited by cysun at 09:36 Oct 01, 2011.
Posts: 12
Posted 09:46 Oct 01, 2011 |

Sorry to bother you. But I have one thing I do not understand when I commit the project the pop up screen says that it is commit to: svn:// Is this the right place to commit. In the homework 1 page it says that "commit the changes you've made to your Subversion repository, then create a tag called cs520-hw1"  

But I'm not too sure where can I create a tag in the subversion repository. Did I do something wrong? 

Posts: 2935
Posted 09:50 Oct 01, 2011 |
yychen wrote:

Sorry to bother you. But I have one thing I do not understand when I commit the project the pop up screen says that it is commit to: svn:// Is this the right place to commit. In the homework 1 page it says that "commit the changes you've made to your Subversion repository, then create a tag called cs520-hw1"  

But I'm not too sure where can I create a tag in the subversion repository. Did I do something wrong? 

It seems like you didn't understand much from the lecture. Please watch the lecture video at and do the reading assignment of HW1. If you are still confused, please come by my office hours.

Posts: 12
Posted 10:08 Oct 01, 2011 |

Sorry I misread the whole thing. I need to commit the package first, then in the svn trunk folder I add cs520-hw1 to the tags folder. It's two actions and not one....