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Posts: 41
Posted 09:29 Sep 30, 2011 |

Dr. Sun, 

Is it possible to post your cs320 powerpoints and any other material that you may feel will help us study. 

Posts: 2935
Posted 10:03 Sep 30, 2011 |

I've post the review slides on the class home page. It's from last time I taught CS520 - I haven't updated them for this quarter yet, but it should still be quite helpful for refreshing your memory about CS320 stuff. In addition to browsing through the slides, I'd also suggest creating a simple MVC web application (like the GuestBook application mentioned in the slides) in Eclipse.

And BTW, the slides talk about servlet mapping using the @WebServlet annotation. If you didn't learn that in CS320, that's OK because servlet mapping and other servlet configurations used to be done in the web.xml file. We'll cover annotations in detail next week.

Posts: 41
Posted 22:22 Sep 30, 2011 |

ok thanks. 

Ya we didn't study that when I took cs320. But will there be a question about it on the quiz ?

Posts: 2935
Posted 07:53 Oct 01, 2011 |
calikidd wrote:

ok thanks. 

Ya we didn't study that when I took cs320. But will there be a question about it on the quiz ?
