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Posts: 134
Posted 23:09 Sep 29, 2011 |

Hi Professor, I'm trying to practice with Maven.  I created 2 projects with 2 archetypes, quickstart and webapp.

Question:  In the webapp archetype, where would the [model] classes go and where would the [controller] classes go if I was trying to make a servlet application?  There is a folder called Java Resources and a folder called src. 

Also, I go into the pom.xml file.  I go to dependencies.  I search for a jar file like jsf, guava, or hibernate, and no matter what, it always returns empty.  What's the reason for this?

Thank you.

Posts: 2935
Posted 08:17 Sep 30, 2011 |

1. The folder src/main/java in a Maven webapp is equivalent to src in a Dynamic Web Project in Eclipse, and that's where your Java classes (including servlets, models etc.) should go. The src/main/webapp folder is the equivilent of the WebContent folder of a Dynamic Web Project, and that's where JSP, HTML, images etc. should go.

2. Your repository index probably was not downloaded completely; otherwise those searches should return plenty of results (see the attached screenshot). Please try the following


  • In Windows -> Preferences -> Maven, make sure Offline is unchecked, and Download Repository Indexes on Startup is checked.
  • Restart Eclipse.
  • Wait until index update is completed. You can see the progress in the Progress view. This usually takes quite a while, but it's a background thread that does not affect any operation that does not use the repository index (it does block dependency search).
  • Once the index is updated, search again and you should see the results.