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Posts: 52
Posted 23:34 Jun 14, 2011 |

Hello Dr Sun,

I forgot my laptop's charger after last presentation ( DWR)    on the last Thursday at the presentation desk.

I am wondering about anybody's reporting and submitting about this.

If anybody submit to any department?

I can not use my laptop because of not having  charger. Right now using computer at nearby surfing center.

I appriciate everybody's cooperation.

Thanking you,

Last edited by calstatelaboy at 23:35 Jun 14, 2011.
Posts: 2935
Posted 08:28 Jun 15, 2011 |

Please check with CS and EE department office and see if anybody has turned it in. Also check room 210 - because you lost it on Thursday night in the final week, there's a chance that it's still in the room.