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Posts: 8
Posted 18:13 Jun 04, 2011 |

I was trying to do exercise no. 7 in hw-2. I want to know that is it compulsory that all z1 to z10 should be >2
or if it comes 1 its ok. because  I tried like 4 to 5 different numbers for X and P. I try with given e,d,n values it shows me at least one value of z = 1 so is that fine or we need something else?

because in slides given:

Bob verifies that, for all u≠ v

           | zu – zv | >= 2      and that for all u

            0 < zu < p-1

Posts: 139
Posted 21:49 Jun 04, 2011 |

| zu – zv | >= 2      and that for all u

This  must be satisfied.

Posts: 8
Posted 22:03 Jun 04, 2011 |

Thanks Dr. Guo