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Posts: 12
Posted 14:45 Jun 01, 2011 |

Hello Dr.Sun,


As per previous Homework, section event was tied to the section and not the assignment.
Now, a section has more than one assignment. How do we tackle this situation for add, delete and edit actions of section event taken simultaneously with the assignment.
Thank You,
Rucha Bhatt
Posts: 2935
Posted 15:15 Jun 01, 2011 |

You can add a Event reference to Assignment or add an Assignment reference to Event.

Posts: 18
Posted 16:36 Jun 01, 2011 |

Hello Dr.Sun,

I tired to add an Event reference in Assignment. But after doing that, I got errors when I was inserting data from csns-test-insert. 

How do I change those? Are we allow to change in csns-test-insert ?



Posts: 2935
Posted 17:27 Jun 01, 2011 |
henilpatel wrote:

Hello Dr.Sun,

I tired to add an Event reference in Assignment. But after doing that, I got errors when I was inserting data from csns-test-insert.

How do I change those? Are we allow to change in csns-test-insert ?



Well, you'll have to change your Hibernate mapping, and consequently, the db scripts.

Posts: 18
Posted 18:04 Jun 01, 2011 |

Thank You!!