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Posts: 52
Posted 20:45 May 31, 2011 |

Hello Dr Sun,


Que 1.

As per HW6 requirement  event start time and end time  are due date of assignment is this correct?



As per Hw- 6 requirements, Now there is a relation between Assignment and Event,

rather then section and event and

 hence we are allowed to change the DB schema and corresponding model

and hbm files, is that correct ?



User(Instructor) is allowed to edit a section event only by editing the corresponding assignment.

 There will be no other way in the system which allows the user to edit a Section event.

is that correct?



Que 4.

Any user can add the attachment to any event?

Since the Section event can not be edited explicitly,

 does it mean that attachment can only be added to the

public or private event and again is it required to be

an owner of the event in order to attach the attachment with it?


Posts: 2935
Posted 21:30 May 31, 2011 |

1. Yes.

2. Yes.

3. This one is up to you. You can either allow editing section events just like public/private events, or only allow section event editing through the editing of the assignment. Implement whichever one you think is easier or makes more sense.

4. Adding attachment to an event is "editing" an event so it requires the same privilege. Again we'll leave authorization for the next assignment - for this assignment it's up to you to allow everyone or only the owner to edit an event. Depending on your implementation for #3, you may not have an UI for editing section events, and if that's the case, it's OK not to be able to add attachments to section events.