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Posts: 121
Posted 23:02 May 30, 2011 |

in chapter 6 , slide 56 :



Question 1 : for instance  in case "C"  (similarly D), why is it "11" mili seconds? if we multiply 11 by  0.025 Mb / Ms  , then we have  0.275 or 275 kb VS 250 (250 is the capacity ) , so it is obviously more than the capacity and it should be 10 ?

similar thing for "d" and "e"


Question 2 : Case "F" does not make sense at all .  assuming the slides are correct , then we have the capacity of the Token Bucket 500 Kb , The output rate of Token bucket which i still  2 Mb , and the output rate of the leaky bucket is  10 Mb / sec . it does not talk about the capacity of the leaky bucket , are these assumption correct?
 for the calculation part assuming that we need to process the packet up to the capacity of the token bucket , buyt at the same time lower than  10 Mb / sec , it should be again 50 Ms (Mili seconds) , not 62 !!!?

Posts: 139
Posted 10:09 May 31, 2011 |

The next slide explains C.