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Posts: 121
Posted 02:05 May 28, 2011 |

lecture 8 , slide 44:

-  ri  indicates one of two unique sub-levels in the reference level   (to be discussed later)

Question:  What does it men oneof the two unique sublevel?  0 or 1 ?


lecture 8 , slide 51:


Question:  Is choosing the down stream depends on the Offset ? If yes , A and B both have same offset , then howA knows that B is downstream?


lecture 8 , slide 57:


Why A is doing full reverse ?Because its not going to be an acyclic graph anymore?

Why A is staying at the same level as C ? It gets updates from C and B , but why same level as C , why not same level as B? . Or why not another upper level?

How many possible values “ri” can have ? Only 0 and 1 ? 1 means full reversal?

B does not do full reversal because the path from A to B was previously reversed or because of the value of riis 1?


lecture 8 , slide 58:



Why C does notreverse the path A to C ?


lecture 8 , slide 61:



What does really “before ” means ?  It seems like we are using this term as we desire , the other examples before , before meansinestep before , so here link C to B was reversed earlier than one step before , the last step was A to B . But if We just reverse B to C , it will not be acyclic anymore

Why the offset of B dose not change to -2 ?


Posts: 139
Posted 00:49 May 29, 2011 |

slide 44:

Question:  What does it men oneof the two unique sublevel?  0 or 1 ?

0: no reflection

1: reflection

slide 51:

Question:  Is choosing the down stream depends on the Offset ? If yes , A and B both have same offset , then how A knows that B is downstream?

offset is set based on the direction. There is no direction between A and B in the first graph. The 2nd graph is the final one.

slide 57:

Why A is doing full reverse ?Because its not going to be an acyclic graph anymore?

Why A is staying at the same level as C ? It gets updates from C and B , but why same level as C , why not same level as B? . Or why not another upper level?

How many possible values “ri” can have ? Only 0 and 1 ? 1 means full reversal?

B does not do full reversal because the path from A to B was previously reversed or because of the value of riis 1?


A is doing reflection, because all its links have been reversed by its neighbor. The reflection is indicated by ri which is set to 1.

slide 58:

Why C does notreverse the path A to C ?

it's partial reversal.


I'm not sure whether you attended the class. The examples were explained step by step in class.  Please check my answers first. If you still have questions, come to see me  next Wednesday in my office hours.